Life Coaching
Are you tired of feeling stuck in life? Ready to make a change? Desiring to live aligned with your calling? Need Support on how to move forward?
I get it because I have been there too. In fact, I still have coaches that support and surround me in my life because I need accountability and guidance too!
Our society tells us that we can do everything on our own. We don't need anyone. We just need to work harder or be happier and everything will be fine. But you are feeling that it isn't true anymore. You need support. You need someone in your corner who can listen to what you are saying and not saying. Bring clarity to areas of your life that don't seem clear. Recognize patterns in your life that are serving you and those that need to go.
Your journey will have more joy, clarity, and be aligned with your purpose in life.
The Process
A Process Based On You
Step 1: Core Motivation & Why
My background in Corporate Language & Cross Cultural Training for Professional Athletes, the FBI, Dow, Eli Lilly, Cummins, and other Fortune 500 companies in the US and China has given keen insight into the needs and struggles of busy working men and women.
Step 2: Goals & Alignment
Second we look at the changes and goals you would like to make in your life and connect them to your Core Motivation and WHY. Alignment is key. This will help us further identify what direction to take as you set your course.
Step 3: Tools to Change
Third we will begin to create space in your life for this goal/changes. You will learn tools to move through this process successfully. What needs to stay, leave, or shift in your life?
Step 4: Implementation & Curiousity
Fourth we will implement these changes—always being curious and aware of how these shifts change things around you and within you.
After only 4 sessions with Erica and am already seeing some increased positivity in my life! She is helping me to uncover some truths and work toward goals that I have struggled with achieving. She is extremely empathetic and easy to engage with! I am seeing and feeling some forward progress which is amazing!
Allison A, Crisis Counselor